12 Best websites for teaching English online (2023-2024)

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12 Best websites for teaching English online

With the level of unemployment in many African countries, surfing the internet has been the order of the day for a majority of youths who have decided to take their future into their hands and prepare for a better tomorrow.

I must congratulate you for taking such a bold step. Of what benefit will it be to me to have such vital information that can be of help to many, to earn a decent amount of income, which can be of assistance to them in one way or the other.

With this in mind, nourishmymind.com deemed it necessary to help you earn some extra cash by outlining some of the best websites for teaching English online. Sounds interesting right? Is this your first time hearing of teaching English language online? 

Well, it is not something new. It only became more popular during the outbreak of covid-19 as millions of teachers connected with students online given the fact that traditional classroom was not allowed for our safety.

Trust me when I say considering this option would be a great start to embarking on a financial freedom journey. It is a side hustle that many, who are into it, can testify of how they make a livable income from it. 

One of the exciting benefits that come with teaching English online is the fact that you are a boss of your own. You and only you determine when to start working, when to take breaks, when to close for the day, and when to take leaves. This cannot be possible if you are an employee of someone. You need to take permission that may not be granted. It is nerve-wracking.

Secondly, you work in the comfort of your home. Considering working online has dealt away with commuting. You do not need to commute to work every day, as just a laptop and a good internet connection is a remedy to earning a livable income online by teaching English language around the globe.

Who says traveling as an adventure to discover the wonders of the world depends only on boarding flights from one country to another? No, it isn’t just that because, from the comfort of your well-arranged room, you can get to learn about others’ cultures, and ways of life, meet new people, and eventually make new friends with just a laptop and good internet.

Furthermore, we live in an era where, employers expect you to be within the age range of 20-35 years with 5, 10, or 15 years of experience before being hired. What a world! This is not the case with teaching English online, as some of these teaching platforms do not need any teaching experience except the fact that you can speak fluently or be a native speaker.

With all of the above-mentioned benefits that come with teaching English online as a side hustle, are you still in doubt about whether to engage yourself? The choice is yours. The most difficult part to convey your thoughts to reality is the guts to commence\start. Nothing good comes easy. Start now and thank me later.

The question is: what does it take to be an English language tutor online? What are the basic requirements one needs to work/belong to any of the best websites for teaching English online? Let us trash this before moving to our topic of interest.

Just like how every government, institution, and organization has some rules and regulations to follow, likewise teaching online. Consider the requirements to be mentioned, as rules and regulations for succeeding in teaching English in the online milieu.

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Below are the basic requirements needed to have a successful career in teaching English online to earn a reasonable amount of money. 

Basic Requirements for teaching English Online

  • Be a native English speaker

Being a native speaker is a plus when it comes to being hired by a good number of English teaching websites. Being a native speaker means English is your first language rather than having learned it as a foreign language.

Companies hiring English teachers are interested in a fluid speech, correct grammar, proper pronunciation, and natural intonation that comes from native English speakers. I am sorry to be a bearer of bad news, as some of these companies do not hire teachers for whom English isn’t their first language no matter how good your English might be.

Some accept only tutors from the USA, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. The big question is what happens to African tutors who intend to consider this as a side hustle? Not all hope is lost. Attaining a TOFL or IELTS Certificate still leaves us in the picture, which takes us to the second point.

  • Have a TEFL Certification or Other Teaching Qualification

Obtaining a teaching certificate is crucial, especially as some of the well-paid platforms that do not hire non-native speakers, see this as a second option though some do not. Therefore, acquiring a TEFL Certificate is like planting healthy seeds awaiting a heavy harvest.

There are varieties of accepted certifications and it is important to know the differences. Each varies in its focus and is widely accepted across all different teaching platforms. Certain countries prefer certain certifications (for example, Japan prefers teachers with a CELTA), but, for teaching online at least, there is no wrong certification to have.


The various types of English teaching certificates include:

  • CELTA: Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults
  • TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language
  • TESL: Teaching English as a Second Language
  • TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

I understand that the cost of obtaining a TEFL or IELTS certificate is a bit costly but it is worth investing in. This is because you will have many openings for working in highly paid English teaching companies with an hourly rate ranging from 10-25 USD as opposed to NATIVECAMP for instance where you get to earn 1.54 USD for a 26 minutes class.

Nonetheless, you can still be hired without a teaching certificate by some platforms. So, relax. A TEFL or any other teaching certificate is an added advantage.

  • Types of equipment

Teaching English online does not require much. What one cannot do without especially when it comes to teaching on some of the best websites is a laptop/computer, a webcam, a good headset, and a Modem.

I would advise you to get a laptop with an in-built webcam, as your students need to be able to both see and hear you rather than getting a laptop that you will need to buy an external webcam.

Ensuring good lighting is equally essential. Bear in mind that first impression matters when it comes to the online teaching milieu. A student visiting your class for the first time and cannot hear or see you clearly is the exact opposite of succeeding in this career.

I know some of you are like “what if I use my cellphone to teach?” good question and a good initiative.

The answer to that question is do not use your phone to teach. Many of these teaching websites clearly state that cell phones are not allowed.

Secondly, speaking as someone in the field, using your phone is at your disadvantage. Your internet can be disrupted when you receive a direct call, which is not good. This is where a modem comes in place to enable you to have no disruptions unless the connection is poor.

A wireless connection is the best. Some online teaching websites go as far as telling the applicant to take a photo of his/her modem and upload it when filling out the application form.

In the case of NATIVECAMP for instance, the class automatically ends if you do not reconnect within a few seconds. 

Another thing to take note of is some of these websites go as far as specifying the type of browser to use. Native camp for example recommends you to either use Chrome or Mozilla.



  • Have a fast, stable Internet connection

Another relevant requirement needed in teaching English online with any online English teaching website is to possess a speedy and reliable internet connection. I repeat “A speedy and reliable internet connection”. Without a good connection, you will lose many students.

Whites are very straightforward people and it would not be funny paying to have lessons only to encounter a poor internet connection. Trust me; no matter how smiley they might appear at the time, they would never come back.

 Using Cameroon as an example, please endeavor to have sim cards from various networks.  If one fails, you switch to the next. I use orange because it is fast. Some of these networks work with your location too. What might work for me might not be your case.

Know what works for you but still, get other networks’ Sims for backup.

  • Conducive learning environment       

Location and the type of activity being carried out matters. If one goes to a snack bar, for instance, the buzzing sound of music is what one expects to listen to. In a learning environment, absolute tranquility is what will enhance learners’ learning experience as well as comprehension.  Anything that can cause distraction in your classroom should be done away with.

  • Other requirements

Other requirements may include having a Bachelor’s degree and having prior English teaching experience depending on the company.

Given the fact that the world is headed toward the digital era, the online teaching-learning milieu is internationally expanding with new English teaching companies popping up here and there. Below, nourishmymind.com has rounded up 12 of the best websites for teaching English online to sign up with today. Ready!


 # 1. PREPLY

The first website to consider for teaching English online as compiled by nourishmymind.com is Preply. One of the many benefits of this teaching platform is the fact that it does not limit itself to teaching English language only.

You read that correctly. Over a hundred subjects are taught including various languages across the globe, school and university subjects, hobbies, and art are not left out. Preply connects tutors to students from more than 180 countries. Tutors from Cameroon for instance can teach both English and French.

Another very crucial benefit tutors enjoy at preply is the fact that they get to set their own tutoring/pay rate which ranges from $0-$40 (max.) USD for an hour. As a tutor at preply, you are expected to students of all ages though it has more adult learners.

It is worth noting that though teachers are allowed to set their pay rate there is a price that comes with it. A commission fee is been charged by Preply for bringing in more students around the globe and developing an easy-to-use video tool and learning materials for your lessons.

It takes 100% commission for every first trial lesson you teach to a new student. The commission subsequently starts at 33% and reduces to 18% depending on the number of lessons you have conducted. Preply pays via Payoneer. It does not have any precise time to pay tutors. The choice is yours to withdraw at any time.

If you are a literature student, I guess you know the famous speech made by Mark Anthony after Julius Ceasar’s death, which starts with “Fellow gentlemen please lend me your ears”. Therefore, my fellow readers lend me your eyes and ears.

Preply is one of the platforms that does not require a teaching certificate or prior teaching experience to be hired. As an aspiring African tutor, precisely a Cameroonian who wishes to venture into online teaching preply is a great starting point.

However, due to the growing desire of many to enter this field, the application process has recently been tightened by requiring any diploma or teaching certificate. Do not panic; your chances of being hired are excellent. You can upload your Bachelor’s degree certificate or attestation of completion of studies for those who do not possess their certificate yet. Good luck

Link to ApplyPREPLY



The second best website for teaching English online is Native Camp, which is the best ESL online tutoring school in Japan. At Native Camp, teachers are expected to teach students of all ages and you will mostly have students from Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, and China.

A glaring fact about native camp teaching platform is the fact that it does not require any teaching certificate. A lesson at native camp is one-on-one and lasts for 26 minutes. A cost of 1.54 USD is paid per 26 minutes class. Looks small right? Yes, it might but imagine having 20 lessons per day. I leave the math to you.

The key ingredient to succeeding at native camp no matter the low paying rate is your rating. Students rate tutors which range from 1-to-5 stars. The higher your ratings, the greater the chances of having more students to conduct about 20 to 25 lessons a day.

Ratings are calculated every Sunday to determine if a particular tutor depending on their efforts will stay at the top or go down. Therefore, it is very common seeing yourself having as many lessons as possible this week and the next very few lessons due to a bad rating.

Smiling always and being friendly is the secret. Make students feel comfortable coming to your class. Payment at native camp is made via Payoneer and payment is made twice.

The glaring fact to note about Native Camp like other websites for teaching English like Cambly and Preply does not require any teaching experience or teaching certificate. For example, in a month of 30 days, from the 1st to the 15th, payment is made 25th of that month while from the 16th to the 30th, it is done on the 10th of the next month.

Though native camp does not require a teaching certificate, they are very strict when it comes to hiring. The least error can cost you everything. If you take a demo and do not succeed, you can only reapply after 6 months.

Link to apply: https://nativecamp.net/tutors/


# 3. EF Education First

EF Education first cannot be left out when discussing the best websites for teaching English online. Unlike like preply and native where a teaching certificate isn’t needed, EF Education first requires you to be a native speaker.

In case you are not a native speaker, an English proficiency test of C2 level is required, or a TEFL or bachelor's degree. EF English First is a world leader in English education with over 580 schools and offices in over 120 cities around the globe. The pay rate per lesson is $10/hour with opportunities for increases. Lessons at EF Education First lasts for 25 minutes for kids and 20/40/45 minutes for adults.

They only allow teachers who are from UK or US and are authorized to work in the US or UK. Tutors from other nations can use the aforementioned required certificates.



The fourth best website for teaching English online on the list is Cambly, an online tutoring service that connects teachers to students from over 100 countries to help in building their English language skills in a one-on-one lesson.

At Cambly, teachers will primarily interact with students from China, Korea, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Brazil & Colombia.

A glaring point about cambly is the fact that teachers can teach using either an iPhone, iPad, Android phone, windows, or Mac computer though I emphasize that your laptop or computer is best. Payment at cambly is done every week giving you reach the minimum withdrawal trench, which is $20.

No teaching certificate is required. The duration of lessons varies depending on the student. Normally, it starts from 15 to 30 minutes or an hour. The pay rate ranges from $10.20/hour ($0.17/minute) for regular Cambly classes or $12/hour for Cambly kids. Payment is issued through PayPal.

Link to apply:  https://www.cambly.com/en/tutors?lang=en.



SkimaTalk is another English teaching website nourishmymind.com recommends starting an online tutoring career.  It is a Japanese-based teaching website where teachers create profiles and students book lessons through the software.

A lesson here lasts for 25 minutes conducted through skype. Tutors set their pay rate, which ranges from $16 to any amount. The tutor can deliver lessons either using their personally prepared teaching materials or make use of SkimaTalk course content that includes English Basics, Everyday English, Business English Basics, Business Skills & Knowledge, Writing Test Prep Topics, and Kids Courses.

SkimaTalk mostly deals with adult learners though young learners are not an exception. A 20% commission is deducted from the tutor’s earnings and payment is been made via PayPal.  SkimaTalk does not require any teaching certificate but it only hires tutors from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland.

Link to apply: teacher with SkimaTalk.


It is an online English teaching school based in China, located precisely in Beijing. Whales English delivers lessons to learners from the age group of 3-18 years with over 60,000 registered students on their website.

Whales English only accepts tutors from North America, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand and a lesson lasts for 50 minutes. The required documents needed to belong at whales English includes a Bachelor’s degree or any higher certificate, a teaching certificate of either TEFL or TESOL, and at least one teaching experience.

The pay rate starts from $18-$27 per 50-minute class, plus performance-based bonuses and the company signs a contract term of 6 months with tutors. The payment transaction is done via Payoneer and tutors receive their pay on the 15th of every month.

Link to apply: https://m.whalesenglish.com/


From the name, I guess you can suggest the group of learners it deals with. It is a Chinese education technology company located in Beijing. It deals with learners from the age of 4 -15 years.

VIPKID hires tutors from the United States and Canada only. The one-on-one lessons last for a duration of 30 minutes. You do not have to worry about preparing notes as VIPKID got you covered.

Payment per lesson ranges from $14-22/hour with additional incentives available. VIPKID demands that tutors have a Bachelor's degree in any subject of study and at least one year of teaching experience. There is a six-month minimum commitment, but you can work as often as you want.

Link to Apply: https://www.vipkid.com


The next on the list is Starkid. It is a Chinese-based online tutoring company, which teaches young learners from the age of 4-12 years. A lesson at Starkid lasts for 30 minutes.

The pay rate for a lesson is $10. Starkid accepts tutors from only UK and the US and a TEFL certificate is equally demanded.

Link to apply: https://www.starkid.com.hk/teacher

# 9. ENGOO

Engoo previously known as 
BIBO GLOBAL is one of the largest and fastest-growing online English teaching schools in the Philippines and Japan. In Japan, Engoo is considered the leader in terms of providing tutoring services to a thousand subscribers via DMM Eikaiwa.

DMM Eikaiwa is a web-based platform where users reserve their lessons to take 25 minutes of Skype English conversation. Engoo deals with all ages and a lesson lasts for 25 minutes with a pay rate of $2.8-10 per hour.

Zero teaching experience, no degree certificate, and no teaching certificate are required but if you possess any, it is a bonus. Lessons are conducted one-on-one. To become a tutor at Engoo you must be at least 18 years of age before applying.  Engoo hires both native and non-native speakers. 

English learners at Engoo do not only come from Japan but also include students from Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, Brazil, Russia, and Spain amongst others.

Concerning hiring native speakers, they mostly hire tutors from North America, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. Payment at Engoo is being done via PayPal/Payoneer and be rest assured of being paid on the 20th of every month.

Engoo is not just an English learning service. It equally offers lessons for Japanese, Korean, and Chinese (Mandarin) language learning.

Link to apply: https://engoo.com/



DaDaABC is a Chinese-based online English teaching school delivering lessons to Chinese learners from the age of 4-16 years. Lessons take place via video conferencing and teachers make use of teaching materials provided by the company.

It should be noted that DaDaABC does not only deliver English lessons but equally offers lessons in other subjects. The least pay rate is $15 and maximally $25 per lesson. DaDaABC hires tutors in the UK, U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, and South Africa.

To be accepted, you must show at least 2 years of prior experience as well as a college degree. Are you interested in learning Spanish? DaDaABC is a perfect location.

 Link to apply: https://www.dadaabc.com/teacher/landing



The 11th best school to consider as compiled by nourishmymind.com is Magic ears, a Chinese-based English learning company that delivers lessons to children aged 4 to 12 years old.

The teacher only needs to provide an intriguing learning environment while using magic ears teaching materials. Magic Ears conduct group classes of up to 4 students. The pay rate is $26 per lesson and a class for 25 minutes.

Magic ears only accept tutors from the U.S. and Canada. You must possess a Bachelor’s degree or be in active pursuit of a Bachelor’s degree as well as a teaching certificate. You must be a native speaker.

Link to apply:  https://t.mmears.com/v2/

#12. PALFISH  

Last on this list yet important is the Chinese-based English teaching platform Palfish, which connects Chinese students to native tutors from U.S., UK, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia.

It offers one-on-one lessons with a duration of 25 minutes per lesson. The pay rate ranges from $10 to $30 per hour and the payment are done via Payoneer. As opposed to the fact that using your cellphone is not the best option, Palfish urges teachers to give lessons through an application for iOS and Android where tutors are paid by chatting with students from their phones or tablet.


To be part of the palfish teaching community, you must be fluent in English; possess a teaching certificate in either TESOL, TEFL, or CELTA, have teaching experience, and must be a native speaker.

Below is how palfish classifies its tutors:

  • PalFish Teachers (those who teach “free talk”, do live streaming, and create their content)
  • PalFish Official Course Instructors (pre-set curriculum, has stricter hiring requirements, see below)
  • PalFish Philippines Course Teachers (open to Filipino English teachers) 

 Link to apply: Download the PalFish app or apply to Palfish here.


Concluding Remark

I would like to thank everyone who stuck with us until this point in our fascinating story. You are a conqueror, and I believe you will make a significant difference with the new knowledge you have gained.

The websites listed above are the best for teaching English online. Preply and Native Camp are the best options for African tutors. If I can make a living off it, why can't you? Apply now and you will thank me later.

The internet has simplified things because there are many opportunities to make a living online rather than focusing on dropping application files at various venues that will not even call you for an interview.

Use your data for more than just Facebook and TikTok; look into opportunities that could put money in your pocket. It is not a question of who works harder, but of who works smarter. One source of income will never get you far.

If you are successful in your application, save and invest to build a network of earnings. Remember, 10% of everything you earn is yours to keep.

You can explore the world from the comfort of your room, hehe! Sounds absurd, but it is true. Best wishes to all my aspiring tutors.


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