Getting Married? 6 Important Medical Tests a Couple Must Undergo

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Getting Married? 6 Important Medical Tests a Couple Must Undergo

Love, Love, Love! Love is the reason why we laugh; live, hate, and kill, love is beautiful. It is December, a month of celebration and jubilation, a month where many lovers decide to be hitched or tie the knot.


Marriage is a beautiful thing. It is the happiest day in the lives of many couples, especially women.  Due to the excitement that comes with it, many couples tend to give a blind to premarital medical screening, which is very important.


They tend to focus on other activities before the D-Day. The bitter truth about most African weddings is that couples especially the female spouse focus more on putting up extravagant wedding decorations, dressing, and pre-wedding pictures than knowing each other’s medical status for their protection and that of their future kids.


What a pity. Marriage is good and proper preparation is good but please cut your coat according to your size. Put up a ceremony you can sponsor without indebting yourself. What matters is your happiness, not the impression.


Bear in mind that you cannot impress everyone. There are some individuals designed by the devil that will still criticize. Therefore, instead of focusing on what does not matter much, pay attention to your health and that of your children before taking the decision of embarking on the forever journey.


Without taking much of your time, what is Premarital medical or health screening or testing? Moreover, why is it important?


What is premarital screening or test?

A premarital test is a crucial health assessment for soon-to-wed couples in which they are examined for infectious, genetic, and transmissible diseases in order to reduce the possibility that they may contract any illnesses from one another or transmit them to their offspring.


From its definition, anyone intending to spend their forever with the man/woman of their dreams can tell why it is pivotal to do some of these tests.


Imagine getting married only to realize 3 or 4 years later that there is an incompatibility between you and your spouse or your kids suffering from what could have been prevented or controlled for a healthy marriage life.

Premarital screening test includes the following:

  • Complete blood count (CBC)
  • Blood group (ABO & Rh typing)
  • Hb Variants testing (Thalassemia, Sickle cell)

Sexually transmitted diseases:

  • HIV
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Syphilis
  • Other STDs (i.e. gonorrhoea, Chlamydia …)

Another testing might include:

  • Male and Female fertility testing


Why is it important to undergo a pre-marital screening before marriage?

Well, from the little you have read above, I guess many can already tell why premarital screening is crucial and why it is advisable for to be couples to take this seriously.


1. Primarily, it helps couples to identify a wide range of conditions such as genetic disorders, blood transmitted and infectious diseases, which could be transmitted to each other or their offspring thus relevant treatments can be provided appropriately if any abnormalities are detected.


2. Additionally, a thorough premarital fertility screening can find aberrant/abnormal disorders that might lower the likelihood of conception. Without the unnecessary biological, psychological, social, and emotional anguish associated with barrenness, fertility difficulties can be addressed as soon as possible. As a result, a subsequent fertility plan can be created in that manner.


3. Furthermore, not every couple is aware of their partner's sexual history or the presence of an STD. Africans are skilled at lying about having only two previous relationships prior to the current one. Do not fall for it, brothers and sisters; check to ensure your safety.


You won't believe the answer I got when I once asked a guy how many relationships he had been in. He said, "I only count those I loved," he said, naming two. I could only imagine how many people he overlooked.


Premarital screening test helps couples to better comprehend each other’s health status thus proper preparation for future implications.

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6 Important Medical Tests a Couple Must Undergo

# 1. HIV and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

The first premarital screening test every couple must undergo as compiled by is to know your HIV status as well as other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like Hepatitis B and C, Herpes, and other curable STDs like gonorrhea, syphilis, bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and  Chlamydia.


The reason why these tests are essential is that some of these infections threaten life as well as life quality, and would definitely strain the marriage. You can protect yourself from these infections if your partner is positive, and get the proper medical care if you are.


STDs like hepatitis B and C for instance can lead to chronic diseases like liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and viral hepatitis-related deaths.

Hepatitis has to do with the inflammation of the liver caused by various infectious viruses and non-infectious agents leading to a variety of health problems, some of which can be fatal. There are five main strains of the hepatitis virus, referred to as types A, B, C, D, and E.


A common characteristic of the various types of hepatitis is that they all cause liver disease (Note that some of the important roles of the liver are that it is an essential organ that processes nutrients, filters the blood, and fights infections. When the liver is inflamed or damaged, its function can be affected).


They differ in areas like modes of transmission, the severity of the illness, geographical distribution, and prevention methods. Studies show that hepatitis B and C are the most common and have led to chronic diseases in the majority of people and the above-mentioned liver diseases.

In case you undergo this test and any of the spouses is positive, you can better plan than being ignorant and taken unaware. Couples have various priorities but conception is the common ground for most. It should be noted that some of these STDs cause infertility and miscarriage.


Here is a link to further your reading on the various Hepatitis and to know if it is curable

# 2. Blood Group/Rhesus compatibility test

The next crucial premarital medical test to consider is knowing your blood groups that is important not only for blood transfusion but also for pregnancy purposes to avoid problems relating to Rhesus factor. Note that deciding to spend your forever with someone does not only rely on the chemistry you have together or personalities.
Your blood groups have to be compatible as well.


Are you wondering why your blood group matters when choosing a partner especially when it comes to making the decision of bringing forth children? Well, permit me to say this, Africans see children as a blessing contrary to the European viewpoint. Thus, after marriage, most African couples plan on having kids but there might be an issue with Rhesus factor compatibility.


I know you are asking but what is this Rhesus factor all about? Be patient we will get there soon. There are four common blood groups A, B, AB, and O and is known as the ABO system but there is another component known as the Rhesus factor (Rh) which is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells.


Rh can either be positive (+) or negative (-) i.e. if your blood possesses protein, you are Rh positive but if it does not, then you are Rh negative.


With the above explanation, how will this affect my baby? Well, if an Rh-negative woman ties the knot with an Rh-positive husband, there is a 50% possibility that the baby will be Rh-positive, thus leading to a condition known as Rhesus incompatibility, which does not pose a problem during the first pregnancy.


Problems only commence with subsequent pregnancies when the mother’s body forms antibodies to attack the foetus leading to intrauterine death and miscarriages. Are you scared already? Stay calm as this issue can be taken care of to ensure your foetus’s safety. Doctors can administer anti-D immunoglobulins at 28 weeks of pregnancy and save the foetus.


To throw more light concerning the Rhesus factor, the positive type is much more common than the Rh negative but this does not make the Rh negative an illness. No, it does not affect your health unless when pregnant. All you need is extra care and precaution to safeguard your baby in case you have the opposite Rh factor.


The foetus can inherit the Rh factor from either parent, so if it is negative as the mum, there isn’t an issue but if it is the opposite then the mum will need an injection of a blood product called Rh immune globulin. This prevents your body from producing Rh antibodies during your pregnancy.


To be on the safe side, it is advisable to have the same Rh factor deeming it necessary to consider premarital medical screening.


Here is a link to know more about the Rhesus factor 

# 3. Genotype

Genes are the fundamental unit of inheritance passed down from parent to child. Albinism, Marfan syndrome, and sickle cell disease are all genetic conditions that are passed down from parents to children.


Thus, makes it very vital for would-be couples to do this test to find out if any or both partners are “Sicklers” (SS) or carriers of the sickle cell trait (AS) or whether their genotype is normal (AA).


It might sound weird to ask about your partner’s genotype but it is very crucial to save your future offspring as well as save both partners the heartache of having a baby who is a sickler.


Bear in mind that if both partners are carriers of the sickle cell trait (AS), then the child will end up being a sickler.

Only those who must have surpassed these premarital medical screenings, especially failing to check their genotypes and end up having kids who are sicklers can explain the psychological and emotional trauma it comes with.


A word for the wise is sufficient. Do everything possible to conduct this test before going ahead with your marriage.

 Also check: Monkeypox in Cameroon: [Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment]

# 4.  Mental Health Examination

Though most Africans do not pay attention to assessing their mental health, it does not make it less important when preparing to take premarital screening tests. To have a peaceful and healthy relationship, the mental health of both partners has to be stable.


Note that some mental health-related issues could be passed down from parents to kids making it pivotal to do this test. Conditions like schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, mania, cerebral palsy, and autism are among tests for mental examinations.


Mental health conditions like cerebral palsy and autism can be checked easily but others like bipolar disorder, clinical depression, schizophrenia, etc. are not so easily detected.


Behavioral and personality disorders should be included as well. If you are going to spend your life with someone who has these issues and you are aware of them, you will be able to care for him/her better and avoid problems in the future.


# 5. Chronic Diseases

It is crucial to find out if you have any chronic illnesses before getting married. By doing this, you and your partner will be more equipped to watch out for one another in case something goes wrong.


Early detection of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney disease will allow couples to seek medical care and make the required lifestyle adjustments before it is too late.


These tests need to be performed because pre-existing chronic illnesses can affect how a pregnancy turns out. Typically, these tests take longer than a typical blood test. Therefore, make an investment in a thorough examination.

# 6. Fertility test

As earlier mentioned, Africans see children as a blessing thus, making it the dream of the majority to become parents. It is advisable for both partners to carry out the test in order to avoid or better still tackle the post trauma and emotional roller coaster that comes with infertility.


In men, the test helps to check the health of sperm (seminal analysis) as well as the sperm count. Ovulation tests, pelvic ultrasound can be done for women to ascertain if one would encounter any issues in conceiving or not. For both men and women, hormone tests such as LH, FSH, oestrogen, and testosterone and progesterone levels should be checked.


There are numerous instances nowadays where female spouses tend to take in out of the relationship when they discretely realize that their partner has a health issue let, for instance, say low sperm count. Most find it difficult to discuss this issue with their spouse reason being not to hurt their feelings.


It would hurt more someday to realize that the four kids you have been taking care of, are not yours. The action of most women not discussing health-related issues with their partners has led to severe consequences and even loss of lives.


A test like this before accepting to spend the rest of your lives together will help avoid the above-mentioned problem or find a better solution to address any issue.


Advise: It is said that the two shall become one so, no matter the problem, you will face it together. In marriage especially when it comes to your health, there is nothing to hide. Both partners need to be open because what might be affecting you might have an effect on your partner as well.


Considering your partner’s feelings is good but letting them die ignorantly is very bad. There are many ways of telling someone something calmly and in a manner that would not hurt that much. You know your partner best and please know the appropriate time to talk and the mood of the person. Assure them you will be there no matter the situation.


With all that said, if you still think, you cannot handle breaking any piece of info to your partner, please consult a counselor.


 Concluding Remark

Every beautiful song must come to an end. Thank you for taking the time to listen to and read our beautiful lyrics. It is said that knowledge is power; I hope this information educates you so that you can educate others.

Some married couples find themselves in some of the above-mentioned health-related issues simply due to ignorance. If some came across such write-ups, they would have been in a better position to do what is best or seek medical attention to address the situation.


Choosing a life partner does not only depends on the qualities you like in him/her, the chemistry or spark you feel together, personality, and vision but your health status also needs to be COMPATIBLE.


Premarital screening tests are not just advisable to do but mandatory if both partners consider the well-being of their future offspring.  Every intending couples should make these tests compulsory.


They include HIV and STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases like Hepatitis B and C, syphilis, gonorrhoea, Herpes, bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and Chlamydia), blood group/ Rhesus factor compatibility test, Genotypes (sickle cell anaemia, albinism, Marfan syndrome, etc.), Fertility test, mental health assessment (schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, mania, cerebral palsy, autism, abuse …etc.), and chronic diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney disease, etc).


The fact that you are aware of your future spouse's health does not imply that the marriage will be troublesome. If necessary, it will assist you in getting the right medical attention. Some of the problems can be solved, but in the event that they cannot, rescuing your offspring and safeguarding each other's health comes first.


Instead of focusing your energy and time on pre-wedding images, think about what is most important. Fitness is wealth. Do you think we missed anything? Comment below and let us know.

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