What Makes a Happy Relationship? 7 Keys to a Happy Relationship

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 What Makes a Happy Relationship? 7 Keys to a Happy Relationship

There comes a stage in each and everyone’s life or failure in previous relationships that we tend to ask this question: What makes a happy relationship? We tend to seek answers because we do not want to find ourselves in another permit me to say “toxic or unhappy relationship”.

The fact that you have not experienced what it means to be in a healthy and happy relationship does not make the existence of happy relationships a myth. The world’s longest marriage lasted for 84 years according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

If those couples can, why not you? I know a real African man would be like “please do not allow the Filipino series or Indian movies; American movies influence you when it comes to love”. They say what we see in movies, is far from reality but that does not mean they do not love right?

They do, perhaps differently. Given the possibility that one can be happy in a relationship, why is it a difficult task for two people who truly love each other to succeed in their relationship?

What Makes a Happy Relationship? 7 Keys to a Happy Relationship
What Makes a Happy Relationship? 7 Keys to a Happy Relationship

Well, love alone can never be enough. There is more to keeping a relationship talk less of a happy one. Yes, you read that correctly. Do not get me wrong. Love is important, however, trust, honesty, Understanding, communication, respect, and loyalty among others are required to make it work.

It does not take a day to build a house likewise relationships. Time and commitment to always try to work things out no matter the situation, letting go of your ego, and understanding will help you achieve your relationship goal.

Relationship is another school that requires endless learning.  Bear in mind that you are two individuals with different personalities, and interests trying to blend your visions to have a common goal. What do you expect? A bed of roses? Of course, there would be misunderstandings and fights but grasping the dynamics of a relationship is pivotal.

Partners who wish to have a successful relationship should put in considerable time and effort to achieve success. This write-up will provide 7 secrets to having a happier and more successful relationship.

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What makes a happy relationship?

As earlier mentioned, it takes more than love to have a happy and successful relationship.

Every happy relationship comprises various building blocks, which include trust, respect, honesty, understanding, open communication, having a common goal, respect for each other independence, support each other, loyalty, and so on.

Love is not luck. The secret behind those succeeding is that they consistently work on it. A happy relationship is compared to a partnership that requires effort from both parties. “A give and take something”

Characteristics of Healthy Relationships

1. Respect for privacy and space

Having a happy or healthy and successful relationship does not depend on gluing to your partner. Creating time for privacy is also good in a relationship. Spending time apart helps you appreciate the quality time you spend and helps nurture the love you share.

Do not make yourself too available. Girls today you forget your undies, tomorrow is a bra and before one can realize it, you already have seven undies and dresses. It is not necessary trust me.

2. Your partner encourages you to spend time with friends without them and to participate in activities that you enjoy. Anyone telling you I do not like this person or that person is planning to isolate you. Be watchful and careful.

3. Freedom of speech

Dear, can you freely air out how you feel or what you think?  Are you always asked to shut that mouth of yours because nothing reasonable comes out of it? Alternatively, are you scared of expressing yourself because you do not know how your partner would react to it?

Well, a healthy/happy relationship entails comfortably expressing your opinions and concerns to your partner without getting worried.

4. You feel physically safe and your partner does not force you to have sex or to do things that make you feel uncomfortable.

5. Are you ignored or blocked after a fight? Well, a healthy relationship means respecting your partner’s wishes and feelings. Fighting is okay but how do you manage the relationship in times of conflict?  Compromise and negotiate when there are disagreements or conflicts that is the secret.

# 1. Trust

Trust is the foundation on which all relationships are built. It is one of the most common relationship buzzwords, but what does trust mean? Well, trust means freedom from suspicion or doubt, and having confidence in someone.

Being in a happy relationship means not having to worry about your partner’s intentions, feelings, or actions when they are not with you. Trusting your partner entails that you completely have confidence in them.

Acts of trust include not dictating whom your partner is permitted to see and when they can, stalking them or always going through your partner’s phone, etc.

In a happy relationship, you just know, without any verbal confirmation or discussion, that your partner will always have your back, always keep your secrets, and always believe you (and that goes vice versa).

You cannot attain a happy and healthy relationship if you do not trust and love the person unless you are doing business.

# 2. Respect

The second aspect to consider in attaining a happier and healthy relationship is to have due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of your partner. Respect in a relationship does not only mean seeing your partner as an elderly person or keeping quiet when they try telling you about their true feelings.

Respect means caring about your partner’s wants and needs and most importantly considering their feelings before speaking and acting. How do you respond to your partner when mad at him/her?

Some individuals overstep boundaries when addressing an issue/conflict. Take note that whatever you say during that moment cannot be withdrawn. Your partner might forgive but would not easily erase it from their mind.

It is said that one should always be ready to forgive and forget. However, most people tend to forgive but do not forget. So, know your partner. Does your partner belong to the crew that forgives but does not forget? Or they find it hard to forgive but when they finally forgive, they let go of it.

To have a happier and more successful relationship, partners have to consider each other feelings, respect boundaries no matter the conflict at hand, accept their weaknesses, appreciate and support their partner, feeling safe to express themselves without being scared of retaliation.

To cut the long story short respect in a relationship means being able to resolve conflict without humiliation, degradation, or insisting on being right. Partners have different ways of talking whether raising voices or quietly, and endeavor not to overstep boundaries.

Treat others the way you would love them to treat you.

# 3. Communication

Communication is the premier pillar to achieving a happier and more successful relationship. You would bear me witness that misunderstandings in relationships are due to a lack of communication.  Not just communication but healthy and productive communication.

Be open and honest when discussing. Without communication, how do you want your voice to be heard, how do you expect your partner to know how you feel, how you wanted to be treated, and so on?

Truth be told, when both partners know what they want from the relationship, they feel comfortable expressing their needs, fears, and desires, this can increase trust and strengthen the bond between you. 

Communication does not mean yelling at each other. Your partner should not be talking and you are doing the same. Who listens to whom? Below are tips for healthy communication to have a happy relationship.

  • When speaking be open and honest about your true feelings. If you do not understand anything explained to you, politely let your partner know.
  • How good are you at listening or paying attention to someone when they are pouring out their heart to you? The worst thing you could ever do is to concentrate on yourself when someone is talking to you. “It is considered as an act of disrespect”.

Pay attention without distractions when the other person is talking. Listen to them rather than thinking of a response, give them the chance to finish talking (say no to interruption), and think before talking.

  • Some people can tell when someone is not fully paying attention to him or her. Be empathetic as it will assure your partner to know that you are there for them and understand what they are communicating. Make eye contact; face them; give your full attention and lean in as they are speaking.
  • Technology has made it easy for people to keep in touch but bear in mind that not all relationship quarrels can be settled over text. If you should do it over text, please keep calm and do not leave your partner hanging. Situations that require your presence do it.
  • Know when to have a conversation. Always try to talk things through when calm. Do not let days go without addressing any conflict. Even if you are still mad, keep your line of communication open. Do not ignore or snoop on your partner.

# 4. Honesty

Lies do not only kill trust but the relationship as well. Just a lie can make your partner lose trust in you. I guess you know the implication of that. No matter how the situation might be, open up to them.

Have you heard of the proverb that “a lie has no legs?” it means you cannot get away with a lie; the truth will always come out. Honesty is the bedrock of intimacy. To feel deeply connected with someone you cannot withhold information or tell lies.

Humans are imperfect creatures liable to commit mistakes. When you do, create time to tell your partner before they become suspicious. Maybe your partner will not like what you did, but hushing up or covering up the mistake is the wrong option.

Bear in mind that anything relationship based on lies does not work well and might eventually crash. Avoid breaching the trust your partner has for you. If they suspect anything and demand an explanation, tell the truth. A word for the wise is sufficient.

# 5. Pick your battles

Argue and argue and argue but do not lose respect for your partner. Who says fighting is unhealthy in a relationship? Conflict can be a part of a healthy, committed relationship. However, it is also important to accept that some battles cannot be won.

Disagree to agree. When couples compromise, each person comes to the table, considers the other’s feelings, and agrees on a decision together. It is not one person giving in to the other’s will.

“There’s a little give on both sides. It has to be both partners,” she says. “If it’s one-sided and one person is always giving in to make the other person happy or not rock the boat, that’s unhealthy.”

To work through the challenges of relationships involves a willingness to argue (with mutual respect) and a willingness to resolve differences.

It takes courage and decency to make a genuine apology and admit when we are wrong. The importance of dealing with hurt feelings is often underestimated in the repair needed after arguments.

“I can see I hurt your feelings” goes a long way in the process of repair. In turn, repair also involves a willingness to forgive and let go of hurt feelings.

Pick the fights but learn how to handle these issues. Therefore, try to solve conflicts amicably while maintaining mutual respect for one another.  Poor conflict resolution skills can cause endless arguments and emotional distress.

Always stay close to each other so that you learn and grow through any of your differences. Do not allow external factors and difficult times to tear you apart. If you cannot seem to achieve an understanding, seek professional advice.

# 6. Appreciate each other’s differences

Rather than focusing on trying to change your partner why not try accepting them for whom they are while working to improve?

Note that you cannot change someone; change begins with that person but that would not stop you from pouring out your mind to them. The only person you can change is yourself.

Effectively communicating with your partner is what might help them make a conscious decision to change on their own.

What makes a happy relationship is when each partner desire to change for himself or herself first while considering their partner as well. Simply trying to fit what someone else wishes you to be, is not healthy trust me.

# 7. Gratitude and No judgment

Lastly but most importantly achieving a happier and more successful relationship is to be appreciative of the little and big things your partner does for you.

Relationship experts think that the key to a long and happy relationship is being grateful and showing gratitude to your partner. Every little moment they do something to remind you why you fell in love, should make you feel grateful to have them.

The truth is when you show appreciation; there are more chances to encourage the person to do more. Rather than complaining about not loving what he or she got, a thank you would be preferable.

Do not be judgmental. Love people for who they are. Note that before meeting you, they must have had experiences that shape the present who they are.

A good partner accepts everything that is you and brings out the best in you. In the words of a relationship expert, Carrie Bradshaw, “if you can find someone to love the you that you love, well, that’s just fabulous.”

Final thoughts on what makes a relationship happy

The above-mentioned points are the key pillars to attaining happier and more successful relationships.

Genuinely loving each other, trust, respect, healthy communication, same or common goal, honesty, appreciating each other’s differences, showing gratitude, and being non-judgmental are the secret to happier relationships.

Love is not everything, for it takes more than love for two people to accept each other flaws and commit to improving each other.

Bonus: women love men who have a sense of humor. Someone who can make you laugh and play with you. Someone who can put you in high spirits no matter the challenges you encounter in your everyday life likewise men.

For crying aloud, it is a relationship, which is meant to add more value to your life and not a military camp or business meeting that requires a degree of seriousness. 

Going through this write-up and realizing you do not fit anywhere in terms of your relationship, it is time to start reconsidering things or try to follow the tips to improve what you are currently experiencing.

Good luck and believe you can do it. Have fun. Thanks for your time and feel free to drop your opinions.


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