5 Reasons why you should never date a Ngess (Cyber fraudster) Guy

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 5 Reasons why you should never date a Ngess (Cyber fraudster) Guy

“Ngess” is slang used in Cameroon for internet fraudsters. In Nigeria, people who indulge in such fraudulent activities are known as Yahoo Yahoo.

People who engage in Ngess make use of the internet to deceive, hide their identities or provide the wrong information with the sole aim of tricking victims out of money, property, and inheritance.

Cyber fraudsters are on the rise in Cameroon due to the unemployment situation of the country, peer pressure (the fact that a friend of yours owns a car or lives in luxury and you wish to do the same), and some individuals prefer to get money the easy way, some might be pushed to engage due to the way some girls show their undying love for money.

5 Reasons why you should never date a Ngess (Cyber fraudster) Guy
5 Reasons why you should never date a Ngess (Cyber fraudster) Guy

At first, these cyber fraudsters or scammers dupe only foreigners from faraway land but that is not the case anymore. They deceive their brothers and sisters just for the cash.

The bitter truth about the Ngess business is that young men engaged in it have taken it to a completely different level.  It is becoming something devilish.  It is the true definition of the bible verse that “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10)

Whatever the case might be, bear in mind that stealing from others will never take you anywhere in life. Secondly, it is an illegal act and is punishable under the law.

A majority of the opposite gender are aware of some of the dangers that come with indulging with a Ngess guy, yet some still prefer to cling to these internet fraudsters due to the money and gift they get from these extravagantly living guys.

In case you are ignorant of some of the pivotal consequences or danger that comes with dating a Ngess guy, this write-up will bring to your awareness the 5 topmost reasons why you should never date a Ngess guy.

Below are a few reasons why you should never date Ngess boy

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# 1. You might Get Arrested

The first crucial reason to consider not dating Ngess guy/boy is the fact that your safety is not guaranteed. Boys engage in Ngess prone to arrests, interrogations, and regular stops and searches. They can be arrested at any time and are always on the run.

What is in for the girl? Well, you are the risk of being arrested as well especially if you find yourself in the same location as your guy. You might become an accomplice to the crimes of your lovely boyfriend.

One of the many reasons why a girl might accept to date a guy is to feel safe around the person. Sister what shall it provide you to find yourself behind bars because of love or permit me to say the love of an iPhone or a ride?

The choice is yours to make.

# 2. They are Diabolical

Another important reason why you should never date a guy engaged in Ngess is that some of these guys tend to involve themselves to seek more riches.

From the beginning, you might not think of the possibility of joining any cult, but what happens when the going gets tough meanwhile some of your friends or colleagues involved are making it big?

Truth be told, some of these boys are willing to give all that it takes to succeed in the Ngess field to have a comfortable life. My sister, you would not be the one to stand in the way of his riches.

Many have been sacrificed or used for rituals while the few who manage to escape or are rescued testify here and there yet some girls are like is better to cry in the USA than to cry in Cameroon.

While crying or enjoying in that USA of yours note that many Ngess boys rely on voodoo powers and all sought of evil spiritual powers to defraud people to make money, the herbalist asks them for a lot, and do not be surprised if you are been sought after for a Ngess boy usage.

Do not become a scapegoat for others to learn. The wise learn from others’ mistakes.

Suggested: 17 Superstitious Beliefs Every Cameroonian once considered to be true

# 3. They are not Responsible

In addition to the above-mentioned reasons, why you should never date a boy who indulges in fraudulent activities online in the name of Ngess is the fact that they are very irresponsible.

They are this group of people who believe that one should eat today for tomorrow will take of itself. Just about 5 percent think and can boost of an investment.

Scammers live in the moment for there is a high possibility that “Maga” might pay the following day. It is very normal for a scammer to spend a million per night that is depending on his capacity of picking.

They know all the expensive snack bars or nightclubs to squander money. As a woman who thinks of the future and perhaps hopes to keep a home tomorrow is this what you want?

A man who takes you from one extravagant restaurant or club to another without visualizing of the future or thinking of investing to attain generational wealth? Sleep over it if you are already into it.

Other irresponsible aspects of scammers include they are not accountable to anyone. Ask any question that seems like an interrogation of any sort and you will find yourself being an option, some are hostile and have anger management issues.

Some of them are blessed with the touch of beating. I once lived beside a scammer, trust me when I say some who possess anger management issues and smoke can cast the devil out of you.

The funniest thing that baffles me is the fact that no matter the beatings my neighbor gives his girl, she always comes back and begs. He even tells her I do not wanna see you here again but the reverse is true.

What do I know? There is a saying that what concerns a man and woman, do not interfere for you might be taken for an enemy. Therefore, the choice is yours to date Ngess boy though being aware of the consequences.

# 4. Ngess boyfriend relationships hardly last

How does it want to last when they are skilled when it comes to multi-dating? If anyone wishes to know how to successfully manage two or more boyfriends or girlfriends, he/she should take lessons with a scammer.

Is as if it is a fling for them. They change girls as if there are changing clothes. It is so unlikely for a typical Ngess boy to love one girl with all his heart. Those who have tasted can testify.

# 5. God does not Support Ngess

One of the 10 commandments says, “Thou shall not steal”. It is a sin. God created us in his image and stealing is not one of his qualities.  

Being in a relationship with a thief makes you share in his sin and crimes.

Concluding Remark 

Proverbs 13:11 says, “Wealth quickly gained will dwindle, but the wealth of the one who gathers it little by little will increase”

The article focus on just five of the numerous reasons why you should never date a guy who is into “Ngess” a Cameroonian slogan used to describe a fraudster or scammer.

Firstly, your safety is not guaranteed when around your lover and you people can be arrested at any time.  The life of a scammer is prone to regular stops and checks as well as interrogation.

Secondly, you might be used for rituals, they are irresponsible, and they are not committed or faithful.

This a peaceful reminder herbalists demand a lot from those who are into Yahoo plus so do not be surprised if you are been sought after for a Ngess boy usage.

Do not be an example for others to learn. The wise learn from other’s mistakes. If you like what you have just read, comment to have more content. Thanks for your time.

 Further Readings

10 Things to Do If You're Unemployed in your 20s

10 Reasons why Most Men wants to be with a Bayangi Girl


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